Saturday, May 30, 2020

7 Ways to Prove Impact in Your CV

7 Ways to Prove Impact in Your CV If an employer is going to invest in you as a candidate, they will expect you to make an impact in your role. So, when writing your CV, it’s important to show how your actions have benefited your previous employers. Rather than simply listing your responsibilities throughout your CV, you should always endeavour to link them to the goals of your employer and highlight the benefits of hiring you. CV writing service StandOut CV have provided this useful infographic explaining 7 effective ways to prove your impact in your CV. Costs saved All organisations, whether they are private firms, non-profits or government departments, like to save money in order to help balance the books or increase profits. If you have the ability to cut company spending by smart fund allocation or shrewd supplier negotiation, then you will be instantly attractive to recruiters. If you have contributed to cost saving initiatives in previous roles, then highlight them on your CV and use numbers to quantify your value. Problems solved Most businesses exist to solve problems; retail stores provide affordable goods to people, and accountants relieve businesses of their financial administration. So it makes sense that employers like to hire candidates with strong problem solving abilities. No matter what your profession is, you should always be solving problems for clients, colleagues or stakeholders. When writing your CV’s role descriptions, give some examples of the problems you face, how you solve them and back it all up with cold hard facts and figures where possible. Time saved Time is our most precious resource and employers like to see it spent wisely in the workplace. If you are able to implement processes that save time for your employer or their customers, you should certainly highlight them in your CV. A candidate who can demonstrate solid examples of time saving initiatives that have resulted in extra resource availability will definitely be deemed as an attractive prospect. People helped Organisations rely on people supporting each other to achieve their goals. In any role you will likely be required to support a number of people, whether they be your colleagues or external individuals. Throughout your CV, show exactly where you fit into your employer’s hierarchy and which people are dependent on your work. If you can create the impression that you are heavily relied upon by others, then it will be clear to recruiters that you are a valuable candidate. Revenue generated Generating revenue is imperative for most organisations, especially those in the private sector. However it’s not just customer facing staff who are responsible for providing income; all staff can contribute to sales indirectly. For example marketing staff help to attract customers which eventually lead to sales, and business support staff help to alleviate fee earning staff from administration work so that they can focus on income generating tasks. So if you contribute to income generation in any way, work it into your CV and try to include some numbers to back up your points. Awards and recognition Awards and other recognition from your industry send strong trust signals to recruiters and hiring managers. Many candidates make bold claims in their CV, but not everyone backs them up with proof such as industry or peer recognition. From qualifications to media mentions, ensure you include any impressive accolades that you’ve accumulated through your career. Work produced The type of work you produce will differ greatly depending on your profession; it could be anything from web pages or spreadsheets, to physical products like cars or even houses. The work you produce is the output of your skills and effort and therefore is an excellent method of proving the impact you make in your role. Give indications of the quality of your work and how well it is received by stakeholders or customers to provide a more detailed picture.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What Are the Benefits of Using Resume Writing Services?

What Are the Benefits of Using Resume Writing Services?Hiring a resume writing service can be the difference between getting your resume read or getting it thrown into the trash. Even though resumes have become necessary tools for any new career in business, they should be written with attention to details and use of every available resource to produce a professional looking resume. The right kind of resume can make all the difference in landing that interview call.Resume writing services often work with employers from other locations or companies to create their resume. Because this involves so many moving parts in an area that requires the most trial and error, many service providers are willing to take the time to see what is required. For example, a tour of the company may be necessary before the writer can draft a proper resume. This is a great way to see what it takes to build a successful resume and avoid writing something that looks amateurish.Resume writing services also typ ically work with students during the summer. Working with students allows for better results because the students are usually less experienced in writing a resume and a higher level of professionalism. Any student who wants to impress an employer can do so by investing the time to see what they need before attempting to write one themselves.One of the most common mistakes that is made when writing a resume is trying to go through a checklist that may be wrong for a resume. This is not the best way to go about the process. Making the mistake of writing a resume based on a checklist is like spending thousands of dollars on a car only to discover that the engine does not work correctly. While the resume may look good, there is nothing to show for it.Resume writing services are designed to help make the process more efficient. They understand that there is more involved than simply taking the information that a job posting provided and compiling it in one place. A service may come into the office with pre-written resumes and put them together based on the information found in a job posting.Another benefit to using resume writing services is that the service may have more experience than the individual looking for a job. Most services have worked with individuals over in a variety of fields. By working with clients, the service can use their previous experience to fill gaps and improve upon what has been done.Resume writing services can also put together a resume quickly. While a person could probably do the job on their own, the time involved can be time consuming and frustrating. Using a service may speed up the process, because a service works with many clients at once and can provide them with ready-made resumes for interviews.The results of a resume are important to employers. When a person gets a resume with bad information or even worse grammar, the result is usually a rejection. Using resume writing services can ensure that the person's information is corre ct and professional and help avoid an embarrassing situation.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Feeling Unmotivated These 3 Tricks Will Completely Change Your Mindset - Classy Career Girl

Feeling Unmotivated These 3 Tricks Will Completely Change Your Mindset Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a magic wand? Instead of having to put in the effort to get things done, you could just wave your wand, and ta-da, you have your perfect life? Unfortunately, magic wands don’t exist, and in order to achieve your goals, you need to put in the effort and take action. This means that you have to be motivated to do so. The inability to stay motivated is the main reason people give up on their dreams. When you lack motivation, you find yourself wishing for something instead of achieving it. You will find yourself procrastinating instead of trying something new and you will find yourself giving up when times get rough. All you have to do is hop online and youll find tons of articles on how to motivate yourself from creating vision boards to forming support groups. While these techniques can help, sustainable self-motivation comes from your mindset. If youre positive and optimistic, youre more likely to stay motivated and determined in achieving your goals. However, if youre very negative, theres a good chance that you’ll procrastinate or throw in the towel as soon as you hit an obstacle. Fortunately, you can change your mindset and become more positive, and here’s how to do it: Feeling Unmotivated? These 3 Tricks Will Completely Change Your Mindset 1. Create a Can-Do Attitude The biggest demotivators are a lack of self-confidence and the fear of failure. They cause you to focus on all the reasons why you should just give up and can make you feel completely disheartened. However, you can overcome these thoughts by using a sort of mental positivity switch. To power up your mental positivity switch, you have to focus on all your positive attributes and accomplishments. When you set a new goal or face a new challenge, take a moment to write your “I can do it!” list. Jot down all the reasons why success is possible for you. List all the skills, talents and traits you have that will enable you to achieve your goal, and think about similar events from the past that show you that you can do it. Use your “I can do it!” list as your personal mantra and repeat it to yourself frequently so that they become ingrained in your thinking habits. Every time you start to feel down or unmotivated, bring out your list. Sit somewhere quiet for a few minutes and say your list out loud. Fill yourself with determination and really focus on what you are saying. This will help you get out of your negative thinking and start feeling more motivated and determined. 2. Focus On Your Rewards In management, we often apply force field analysis to weigh up the pros and cons of decisions. You can apply this to keep you motivated to your own dreams and goals. It is human nature to resist change. Change means moving out of your comfort zone and this alone can demotivate you. To use the force field analysis as a motivation tool, create two lists: one for your current situation, and one for your future situation. Write down the pros and cons of each situation so that you can see how the benefits of change outweigh the benefits of staying as you are. Then whenever you start to feel unmotivated, take a look at the benefits of change to remind yourself why you set your goal in the first place. [RELATED: Staying Motivated When Youre Completely Exhausted] 3. Visualize Success This last step is the most powerful one  and leads on from focusing on your rewards. It is to visualize success.  Any time you feel unmotivated, press the pause button on your life for a few moments. Find a nice quiet place, take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and visualize your life as it will be once you have achieved your goal. Feel the emotions youll feel, go through the activities youll be doing, and really live your ideal life in your visualization. This exercise will uplift your spirits and give you the motivation to continue through the tough times so that you can achieve your goals. Getting over a lack of motivation is about focusing on the positive. It means believing in yourself and your goals even when times get tough. As Audrey Hepburn said, “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible!’

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

3 Steps To Take Control of Your Online Reputation

3 Steps To Take Control of Your Online Reputation Sponsored Post by Morgan Hunt Recruitment   One of the most hotly discussed trends in the Careers and Recruitment market is the use of social media and online networks. First thing that springs to mind with regards to online and social recruitment is online reputation. Online reputation isnt anything mystical or secretive. It isnt what Klout or Kred score you have, not even the Twitter followers or Facebook friends you have. Your online reputation can be made by putting a couple of things together. Remember, those same things can break your online reputation too. In this post, I will offer you 3 quick ways to check whether your online reputation gets a thumbs up or down and how to improve it if its not up to scratch. 1. Online Reputation and Google Search OK. I know this isnt rocket science. But honestly, how many times do you do it? After every job application or resume that I sent off to an advertised vacancy I used to check myself on Google, just to see what my online reputation shows, and what the recruiter would see, if he or she Googled me right away. There have been some stories that I didnt want to be associated with anymore and images that embarrassed me . Google yourself and see what comes up. Try to clear up those things. 2. Check Your LinkedIn Profile for Spelling Mistakes Recruiting agents love LinkedIn. Graduates are encouraged to love LinkedIn too. I love LinkedIn and just for graduates, I have produced this guide on 7 steps to get started on LinkedIn. There is one common mistake that can hurt your Online Reputation badly that is spelling and grammatical errors. Mistake 1 Classic LinkedIn mistake. Your name initials are in lower case letters. Now, I am no grammar expert, but even I know a proper name begins with upper case letters. Ive had a few LinkedIn requests from people whose names are in lower case letters and my first thought was: press the shift + ignore button. Mistake 2 Read your LinkedIn profile summary, experience and other sections. If you have a spelling mistake that will hurt your online reputation, get rid of it now! No recruiter want to speak to graduates with such basic mistakes. 3. Online Reputation and Profile Pictures. I dont think I have to say much here. I will give you two examples. On Twitter I read a tweet from a recent graduate. She was doing the right thing by promoting herself socially and asking for a job by listing her qualities, etc. Problem she had a picture of when she was on some beach, maybe in France, in clothes suited for it. Cmon, graduates, you know you have to be a bit professional. That is unacceptable. On Facebook, one of my friend had his profile picture as himself (probably drunk) with a traffic cone on his head. Momentarily, fun and a good laugh, but his profile settings were lax. Which meant that when I Googled him, the image came up in Google images. Crazy stuff. When I informed him of it, he sorted his profile settings. His online reputation must have plummeted in front of recruiters for all that while! This is the key to keeping your online reputation clean. You have to keep track of it. It can plummet as well as increase with some basic work-out on your side, so why not do it? Some of the tips in this post: I didnt know about them. At some point someone informed me of the importance of online reputation and I took notice. Remember, your online reputation is key not only in your graduate job search, but otherwise too. This post was sponsored by Morgan Hunt.   Morgan Hunt’s charities and fundraising division supplies specialist professionals on an interim, contract and permanent basis across the not-for-profit sector to include charity, arts and education sector. 6

Saturday, May 16, 2020

How Does a Certified Resume Writing Professional Help You Write a Good Resume?

How Does a Certified Resume Writing Professional Help You Write a Good Resume?Did you know that a certified resume writing professional will provide you with an organized format for your resume? By keeping it to a certain type of format, you will be able to use the outline of your resume to create a neat design. Also, if you do not know the exact type of format for your resume, you can ask the professional who is handling your resume to give you a template that is specific to your needs.The document that you submit to a company for an interview should not have any information that is not directly related to your job. Keep this in mind when you create your resume. By including any information that is not directly related to your job, you are risking having it take a long time to compile. You may end up sending your resume to as many people as possible before you find someone that you are qualified for the position.Many people receive their resume and apply for multiple positions withi n the same company. This will only slow down the process because each applicant has to be evaluated individually. If the certified resume writing professional that you are working with knows that you have received more than one resume, they will be able to use your other information to create your own resume.When you are creating a resume, make sure that you include all of the necessary information pertaining to your experience, education, and work history. Remember that companies that hire a large number of employees often have a system that compiles all of the resumes into one package. Therefore, if you write a resume that does not contain the proper information, it will most likely not be accepted.When you are on the phone with a resume writing professional, it is important that you listen to what they are saying and pay attention to the formatting that they offer. You want to pay attention to the length of the paragraph that is in the header of your resume. This is one of the mo st important pieces of information that the professional will provide you with and will greatly impact the success of your resume.Keep in mind that every resume that you send will be slightly different. Do not be discouraged because you feel that your resume does not have the information that you need. Keep an open mind, take a few minutes to study your resume, and ask questions about any changes that the professional makes.For the best results, you should ask a certified resume writing professional to create your resume from scratch. By doing this, you will be able to include all of the necessary information and to customize the format of your resume. This will allow you to take your skills and create a unique resume for each potential employer.Always keep in mind that the professional will create a resume for you, so you will want to make sure that your resume is original. You may have gone to school and learned certain skills, but if your resume was created by someone else, you w ill need to provide them with documentation proving that you were trained in the skills that they are asking for. Remember that you will be paying money to a professional to create a resume, so you want to make sure that you are the one responsible for using that resume to get the job that you want.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Discussing Emotional Intelligence on Your Resume is Stupid

Discussing Emotional Intelligence on Your Resume is Stupid Lately several of my executive clients have asked me if they should include the phrase emotional intelligence in their resumes to demonstrate self awareness, strong social skills, and the ability to motivate others. I can understand the temptation of playing the EQ card and Ive noticed that this phrase has become somewhat commonplace on executive-level performance reviews as a way to acknowledge leadership, but I strongly advise not including this phrase on a resume because it falls into the category of personal attributes that are grossly overused on resumes.If you are an executive, having a strong EQ is assumed. And I doubt that any recruiters or hiring managers search for executive candidates using the search term EQ. Obviously, proof of a very strong EQ can be a desirable skill for the job, but just saying you possess one doesnt make it so. Rather than focusing on a stale descriptor of your ability to lead and develop others, try showing the initiatives you undertook to build str ong teams. Describe a situation where team morale was low and you turned it around or a time you won back business from an account that had been lost. Write about the number of people who have been promoted under your leadership or your ability to retain employees versus the national average for your industry. Discuss your ability to influence key stakeholders and create group consensus. Your actions, not descriptors of personal attributes are what helps build a hiring managers confidence in your candidacy.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Increasing Efficiency in Online Business

Increasing Efficiency in Online Business Efficiency is so important in business. Whether you are a sole trader, running a small operation or managing an international business with thousands of employees. Inefficiency can be expensive. Getting less done or taking longer to do basic tasks is a waste of time, and a waste of time is a waste of money.   When you work online, perhaps running an ecommerce store, efficiency can be a huge problem. You are reliant on other systems to keep your business going, and there always seems to be so much to do. This can be worse when you are a small business, or you work alone. You are responsible for all areas of your business. You need to promote it, market it, manage your website, speak to your clients and do everything else. When you work like this, 10 minutes can make the world of difference. So, let’s look at ways to save yourself time and increase the efficiency of your online business. Automate The problem with working online is that you need to be online all of the time. Your clients expect responses to their emails within seconds. Growing social media followings and an engaged and loyal audience takes time. Emailing out newsletters and updates every time that you need to get information out there, takes time. Preparing new content for your website and finding new ways to engage with your audience can be daunting and you can spend endless time compiling reports and analyzing data to find ways to make your business better. But, you don’t need to do all of this. Automation is a powerful tool, and there is plenty that you can do. You can use quoting software for manufacturing to simplify your ordering systems and help you to compile data. You can schedule social media and website content. You can automate email newsletters and use templates for anything else that you need to send. Some of these services cost money. But, it’s important to remember that if you don’t pay with your money, you will pay with your time. Automating some of your systems could save you several hours a week. Hours that you could be spending making money. Outsource As a small online business, you might not be able to afford to employ staff all of the time. But, you can outsource when you need to. Instead of trying to do everything yourself, outsource some tasks to freelancers. This will free up some of your time to focus on other things. Or, even give you a chance to rest and avoid burnout. Improve Your Customer Experience If you run an ecommerce store, your customers will be at the heart of your business. They are the one thing that you can’t do without. Poor customer service can be costly. Both in terms of sales and time spent dealing with complaints and issues. Spend time focusing on offering a fantastic customer experience, making sure your shop is easy to use and that your customers are getting what they need, and you’ll save time and make more money. Keep it Simple When setting up online, it can be tempting to over complicate things. You might find yourself adding more and more to your website in an attempt to make it stand out. This can be hugely inefficient. Instead, keep things simple and straightforward so that it’s easy to use and requires less maintenance.